- What complaints may I direct to the Selayang Municipal Council?
Any complaints related to municipal services and issues that require action from Selayang Municipal Council.
- Will there be any charges for a complaint?
- May I lodge a complaint on behalf of a third party?
Yes, with permission from the complainant
- May I issue an anonymous complaint?
Yes, if the complaint involves public interest (whistleblower) such as misuse of authority and others.
- What are the complaints accepted at the Selayang Municipal Council?
- Environment
- Buildings
- Natural disaster
- Bumps
- Assessment tax
- Animals
- Obstructions
- Roads
- Council Staff
- Public Facilities
- Earth works
- Street lights
- Landscape / trees
- Drains
- Signboard placement issues
- Vehicle Parking machines
- Playgrounds
- Night markets
- Enforcements
- Maintenance
- Licence applications
- Commissioner of Building (COB)
- MPS Cyber Centre
- Garbage
- How do I lodge a complaint?
- By phone
- Visit Selayang Municipal Council
- Mail/fax
- E-Complaints
- E-mail
- People Friendly Programme
- What information should I provide / insert in a complaint to the Selayang Municipal Council?
Personal information of complainant such as name, address, phone number as well as a complete complaint details.
- What will happen to my complaint?
- MPS will send an acknowledgement letter to the complainant
- MPS will investigate all submitted complaints
- MPS will inform the current status of the complaints to the complainant
- MPS will hold a meeting if required
- MPS will submit a feedback letter /directly contact the complainant
- How long will it take for MPS to conduct investigations?
- According to the MPS Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), submitted complaints must be provided with feedbacks in less than 14 working days.
- However, this is subject to the complaint. If the forwarded complaint is easy, it will immediately be resolved and if the complaint is complicated, it will take some time.